Economic Analysis of Law: the effectiveness of the legal system to protect and compensate consumers for damages

Héctor Valverde Santana


This study aims to analyze the economic impacts related to the formulation of abstract legal rule by Parliament and the concrete legal rule by the Court. The science of law relate to various fields of knowledge, including history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and more recently being studies linked to the economy. The consumer law has as one of its main objectives the protection of life and health of the final recipient of the goods and services supplied on the market. The vulnerability of consumer is a universally accepted principle regarding consumer rights. So, the analysis of economic costs of prevention and reparation of damages in consumer law is important to enable the more efficient choice from an economic point of view, but always considering the constitutional principles of human dignity and solidarity, in addition to the legal principles of vulnerability, information, strict liability and solidarity among the suppliers. Finally, this abstract is about academic proposal that intended to study the economic effects in the formulation of legal regulation efficient and fair for consumers, always aiming at the strengthening of the consumer market.


análise; econômica; direito; proteção; consumidor; eficiência


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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