A path for a global and environmental citizenship

Leilane Serratine Grubba, Horácio Wanderlei Rodrigues, Myrtha Wandersleben Ferracini Fabris


This article focuses on the relation between Law and citizenship. More precisely, with this study we aimed to argue the importance of the construction of an effective global and environmental citizenship, in order to apprehend the human and the environment in its complexity, as a dignified life for everyone. That means, for us, the life in dignity need the maintenance of a good environmental, because everything in the word is relational. In this way, life can develop itself and reproduce itself in a more equitably way. We used the inductive method for this work. So, first, the article focused on the analysis of what is the concept of environmental citizenship and how it manifests itself in modern times. After that, the article focused on the possibility of a global citizenship, ie a global citizenship of an environmental nature, which perceives the relationship of humans with themselves, with others and with the nature in favor for a dignified life. Finally, the conclusion is: although the importance of the actions of human beings on the local dimension, if we attempt a world change, the actions must be contextual. Furthermore, since the complexity of the world, it is necessary to expand the notion of environmental citizenship to environment & planetary citizenship, because it allows us to work in the contexts and it may cause a change in the global dimension in favor sustainability of decent life for current and future generations, as well as the life of the nature.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rdi.v9i3.1776

ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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