The need for regulation of armed confl icts for the reinstatement of democracy

Lucas Garcia Alves


This paper has the scope of analyzing the humanitarian needs on the battlefi eld which are little, or not at all, regulated, as well as the absence of observation of rules of jus post bellum, and its relations with the establishment of democracy aft er a confl ict, which aims to establishing peace. By understanding that the standard norms are made through history, this paper will present an account of the formation of international humanitarian law. Next, it will expose the obscurities and lack of regulation of humanitarian aid during confl icts. Th e conceptual ideal of jus post bellum will also be presented, followed by the defense of the need to create a principled normative framework. Also, an exhibition of what is democracy through its mechanisms, given that they can be seen practically as ways to peace. In conclusion, it will be shown that there are guiding and normative principles of jus post bellum, which are not, yet, consensual among scholars regarding their application. However with the collaboration of the UN Peacebuilding Commission, more vigorously work has been seen in defi ning this framework, which will not be useful if States do not begin to respect the international system.


Regulamentação. Direito Internacional Humanitário. Jus Post Bellum. Democracia.



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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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