Is transitional justice the most advanced stage of internationalization of Law?

Christiani Amaral Buani


The article deals with transitional justice as a possible advanced stage of internationalization of law process and the possibilities for integrating process that integrates this phenomenon, especially in terms of statebuilding and globalization. These processes are connected and influence each other reciprocally. Their interactions contribute to a better understanding of the international dynamic and to development of international law. The text integrates the analyzes of statebuilding process, which had become very frequent in the international arena as a strategy to build peace and stability in post-conflict countries, and transitional justice, which represents a legal instrument to support a more pacific and sustainable state reconstruction, in the search to reconcile past struggles and conflicts, to create or strengthen juridical and legal institution to the State and to elaborate legislations, which are able to reflect national realities. Globalization is also present at the article because it is the environment where all the internationalization of law takes place, spread, is built and influences the state building process, with the transition framework.


Justiça de transição. Reconstrução de Estados. Internacionalização do direito. Globalização.


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