Legal pluralism and legal effectiveness in the relationship between environmental protection and foreign investment: Santa Elena, Metalclad and Tecmed cases

Gabriela Garcia Batista Lima


It aims an analysis of the legal effectiveness considering some of the effects of globalization on law, specifically, the effect of a legal pluralism that integrates different orders, state and non-state orders or mixed. In this context, it is clear that the integration of these orders becomes a key element to the effectiveness of those orders. With these considerations, we seek to investigate the effectiveness considering the relation between two legal regimes almost immeasurable, which are the state legal protection of the environment and legal protection of foreign investment. It is done through the study of three cases at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ICSID): Santa Elena, Metalclad and Tecmed. Some questions of legal theory and legal effectiveness are studied, demonstrating the inadequacy of state law theory and relevance of the legal pluralism to legal studies even in the context of environmental protection, which is state-law field. Furthermore, these cases allow us to question how to improve the legal effectiveness of the environment protection, in a field where the state is relativized by transnational actors in favor of protection of foreign investments. For that, it is important to understand the interaction between the different regimes, rules and the need to integrate better rules to the relationship between foreign investment and environmental protection.


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