National judges and courts as institutions for global economic governance

Camilla Capucio


This paper aims to explore the relationship between national judges and courts and the international economic order, from the perspective of global economic governance. It is proposed, therefore, the thesis that there is room and need for active participation of these bodies as institutions of global governance, through four sections. The first section presents concepts such as international order and global governance, guiding to the succeeding reflections. The second part enters into the question of disaggregation of State and its consequences in international trade relations. Third section deals with the perspective of constitutionalism and cosmopolitan law as a project for global order, and the layers of multilevel trade governance encompassing multilateral, regional and national levels of norms and institutions. Fourth part discusses the role of national courts, understood as having also an international authority, in international economic order, focusing specially on the relation between national judiciary and the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism decisions. This thesis explored in the paper is an attempt to overcome the perspective of classic international law that erects a wall of separation between international order and domestic order, in what consists its main value, as a new perspective for international law as a broader instrument for global governance.



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