Right to Food in India

Ranjana Ferrao


The human right to adequate food applies to everyone. Problems of hunger and malnutrition are problems of developing countries. While economically developed countries, face problems of malnutrition, under-nutrition and other problems which relate to the right to adequate food. The roots of the problem of hunger and malnutrition are not lack of food but lack of access to available food. Right to food does not mean right to free food. The State must respect and protect the rights of individuals to feed them. This Article analyses the Indian law to make right to food a reality. India has to unique programmes which are unknown to the rest of the world. Firstly the Public Distribution System is the world’s largest and most comprehensive edifice to safeguard national food security. The second being the food supplementation programme called Integrated Child Development Scheme. Inspite of legislations and several social welfare schemes the citizens continue to remain hungry. This article dwells on the necessary changes required to fulfil millennium development goals.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rdi.v14i1.4381

ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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