International Constitutional Court: Rise and Fall of an International Debate

Arthur Roberto Capella Giannattasio, Taina Ometto Bezerra, Elizabeth Bannwart, Débora Drezza, Jessica Buchler, Giovanna Martins, Breno Oliveira


The development of an International Constitutional Court (ICoC) is an idea
which received a special focus among several legal scholars worldwide. The general idea of this proposal is to create a new international public authority (IPA) with judicial powers in order to: (i) hinder local successful electoral frauds or coups d’état, and (ii) reinforce the global protection of Democracy and Human Rights. After a qualitative research based on primary sources (interviews and surveys) and secondary sources (literature review), this article examined the different ICoC proposals. We argue that the current discussion
concerning the legality of this new IPA does not address legitimacy issues and, for this reason, the debate on the legal framework of an ICoC should also consider proper accountability mechanisms for international issues.


International Constitutional Court; International Public Authority; legality and legitimacy; horizontal accountability; Global Public Goods

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