Biopolitics and right in Brazil: a therapeutic anticipation of anencephalic of birth as life standards of procedure

Paulo Germano Barrozo de Albuquerque


This article outlines how the knowledge and the legal practice in Brazil are influenced rationality of a typical matrix of our era, biopolitics. Identifies biopolitics concept created by Michel Foucault as a power practice setting that was established in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries and developed by the alliance between certain art of governing and disciplinary techniques of political control of the body, influencing the transformation of practices Legal who have to manage life in its individual and collective dimensions. Thus seeks to find the Federal Supreme Court manifestation Brazilian data showing this correlation. It analyzes the Judgment resolving the accusation of breach of fundamental precept N. 54, which authorized the therapeutic anticipation of anencephalic of delivery, such as bio-political event, a procedure for normalization of life, to produce a set of identity between health and dignity human.


Biopolítica; biopoder; anencefalia; direito; normalização.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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