Reparations of victims in light of a Treaty on Business and Human Rights

Ana Cláudia Ruy Cardia


This study aims to analyze the attempts at an international level to implement rules capable of ensuring accountability of transnational corporations for human rights violations. It verifies, amongst the advances and setbacks of recent decades, the edition of National Action Plans by states since 2011, and the main issues considered by an intergovernmental group discussing the drafting of a treaty on the issue with regard to the victim compensation. It will be assessed that, although there is some information on the compensation of victims in the already existing National Action Plans, more development in this field is necessary, especially in the treaty that is being discussed. This essence is also in consonance with the Sustainable Development Goals, that constitutes UN 2030 Agenda. The method is focused on (i) primary sources and (ii) secondary sources. The method of interpretation results mainly from secondary sources that address (i) a critical reading of Contemporary International Law, and (ii) the relationship between International Law, Human Rights and International Policy. Its value arises from the perspective on the compensation of victims – the recognition of their suffer - and the necessity of a binding norm that can make States and corporations accountable for human rights violations.


Human Rights and Business; International Law; Ruggie Principles; National Action Plans; Treaty on Business and Human Rights; Sustainable Development Objectives

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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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